With WWE announcing it's plans to continue bringing in celebrities and athletes as special guest hosts for Monday Night RAW, Manny Pacquiao should be at the top of their list.
WWE has been using the "guest host" as a marketing opportunity for celebrities to promote upcoming ventures. The collaborations with celebrities, wanting to promote their projects, has led to major mainstream media coverage for the WWE and the celebrities. It has been a win, win situation for both parties.
With a big fight coming up in a few months, and the filming of "Wapakman" with WWE superstar Dave Batista, Pacquiao would be a perfect fit. Because Pacquiao is a modest athlete it might cause some people to have concerns over whether he can be successful on the WWE stage. Those same people are overlooking the fact that Pacquiao is also an actor with the necessary skills to pull off an appearance on WWE RAW. Also, WWE has publicly stated their ability to create a show specifically for their host.
In an August 4th Business Week article, Stephanie McMahon, WWE's executive vice-president of creative development and operation, made the following statement "We have the ability to change our story line to suit whoever hosts." ...
If you don't believe that statement then just watch the latest episode of WWE RAW where Jeremy Piven hosted and promoted his movie "the Goods" for almost 2 hours... Knowing that the WWE will build a show around their "guest host" has to ease any concerns. But, also keep in mind the past history that the WWE has had with boxers.
Some of boxing's all-time biggest names have stepped into a WWE ring. Legends like Muhammad Ali, Joe Frasier, and Mike Tyson all had successful stints with the WWE. Most recently Floyd Mayweather Jr. was a part of the WWE and brought major mainstream attention for the WWE . And he walked away with a fat paycheck.
Let's review the facts.
* Pacquiao is a global icon
* Pacquiao has acting skills
* Pacquiao has some films and fights to promote
* WWE has a history of working with Boxers
* WWE has a current direction of bringing celebrities in as "guest hosts"
* WWE has stated they would mold the show around the "guest host"
To me, this sounds like a perfect opportunity for both parties. Pacquiao can promote his projects, reach another audience, and open doors for future endeavors after he retires. The WWE will get a major athlete (like they did with Shaquille O'Neal 2 weeks ago) to appear and bring huge attention. My friends, this is what we like to call "smart business"...
Source: http://www.examiner.com/x-13475-Pro-Wrestling-Examiner~y2009m8d5-WWE-should-bring-in-Manny-Pacquiao-as-a-guest-host-for-RAW
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